When opportunities arise, many people tend to jump on board very quickly. That is exactly the case with the minting of non-fungible tokens. 

Minting your NFT can be very exciting however, just because you create an NFT doesn’t mean you will make money. In fact, you can actually lose money if you aren’t careful. Creating a non-fungible token that someone wants to buy takes a plan, patience, and consistency.

If you aren’t providing value for others then you may never sell your NFT. Value can come in many different forms such as a physical product, service, or perk of some sort. Also, if you don’t build an audience you shouldn’t expect anyone to stumble upon your NFT project. You need to put your work in front of people’s eyes if you want a chance at selling your NFT.

BitSchon facilitates the creation, buying, and selling of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). We enable artist and creators to mint NFTs, and sell them on an NFT marketplace or NFT storefront to buyers who want to own a non-fungible token on the blockchain.

Anyone can create smart contracts. No experience with coding or blockchain necessary. Customize and own your ERC-721 Polygon or Ethereum Mainnet smart contract without developers or knowledge of code. Mint NFTs To Your Collections and choose a smart contract to mint your NFT to, connect your Metamask wallet to confirm, and we’ll handle the rest.