There are four main reasons to consider using a decentralized crypto exchange over a centralized one.

1. Security

Centralized exchanges hold large amounts of funds from investors, making them a prime target for hackers.

In 2015, Bitstamp, a Slovenia-based exchange, was hacked by an anonymous hacker who was able to gain access to the exchange’s operational hot wallet and steal 19,000 Bitcoins (worth $5 million at the time). The most famous bitcoin hack in history was Mt. Gox, a cryptocurrency exchange which no longer exists. It was hacked twice in 2011 and 2014, resulting in more than 750,000 Bitcoins being lost. Investors had no way of retrieving their funds and maintain the loss to this day.

With the increasing trading volume of cryptocurrencies, centralized exchanges are becoming more attractive to hackers. Decentralized exchanges are becoming more and more user-friendly and common, simultaneously providing better security for investors.

2. Control over your funds

Hacking is not the only issue with centralized exchanges; in such environments, users do not have complete control over their funds, but the centralized exchanges do. This can impose many constraints and even financial losses on investors.

In January this year, crypto exchange HitBTC started freezing user accounts, purportedly ahead of a planned event by users to withdraw all their funds from centralized crypto exchanges in a single day. The event, called “Proof of Keys”, was an attempt by the crypto community to ensure that exchanges could make good on deposits, similar to a bank run.

Another example from earlier this year was when it emerged that the owner of Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX had died, and he was the only person who had the private keys to the exchange’s storage wallets, leaving debts worth $200 million. It also later transpired that the owner had been deeply irresponsible with user funds.

Once again, the non-custodial nature of DEXs means that funds are under your own control, and no central authorities can freeze or lose your access to them. If the exchange goes down tomorrow, your funds will be unaffected as you’ve retained possession of them.

3. Privacy

Centralized exchanges are classed as money service providers (MSPs) in many jurisdictions, meaning that customers are required to undergo mandatory know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) checks. In many cases, however, people are reluctant to provide their private information to third party entities, because they have no control over what happens with their data and to which authorities — domestic or foreign — gain insight.

Decentralized exchanges, on the other hand, aren’t under any central control; therefore, there are often no registration requirements for using the exchange beyond having a wallet address.

4. Financial inclusiveness

In response to increasing regulatory pressure, many centralized exchanges have restricted access to users in particular countries. Most recently, exchanges have begun withdrawing from providing services to US users, due to the risks of being seen to offer unregulated trading of securities. In June, Binance announced that it would be geo-blocking US users from its platform ahead of rolling out its plans for a US-specific compliant exchange. Other exchanges such as Bittrex have delisted a number of tokens from US users.

Decentralized exchanges offer a way for individuals in any location to trade cryptocurrencies, as they aren’t run by a centralized authority that can be subjected to a shutdown order. Investors can invest as little as they want to benefit from trading activities, and the peer-to-peer transaction costs are much lower than those on traditional exchanges.